I have been going through old photos — something I often do when Mercury is Retrograde. I go back, go over, revisit and if I’m lucky, re-do.
Sometimes I just feel into the energy of that time or place. Who was that young person? What did that body or energy feel like? How about the world and air? What were her concerns?
This picture is the one I would have selected for the Book Jacket photo. I see a sense of clarity, and most certainly a sense of hope. And there is also a feeling that everything in that moment was ok — even if my memories don’t corroborate, or they tend to gloss over the simple joys of sitting outside. The essence of joys I still want now.
And while I remember the past, it is becoming more important to feel into that energy — to bring that forth. Not in an abstract way — like “oh I remember that” — but in a visceral way: to bring her forth.
Where is she in all that remains? For today she is right here, walking with and through me. My own palpable ghost of awareness: Past, Present, and Future.
May you look back on photos and get a sense of Being that reminds you of a sweetness, a simplicity, or even a promise. Maybe just a body that functions without concern about where or how you step, or if you have enough energy, or can make it back home if you walk the dog all the places she wants to go.
May you not leave anything untouched by your longing for a re-do, even if it is only to feel more fully into life; or feel more fully into a storyline that, up until now, had only one way of being told. It’s all a fiction, anyway, and there’s still time to write the book.
There’s still time to decide how you want to feel at the end of your life, which is more important than how you want it to look at the end — which is usually what gets talked about (i.e., you pass at home, without pain, with loved ones, and all practical business taken care of).
How do you want to feel with all the parts you have played? And how can you start living that now?
What can you re-visit, re-do, or maybe see or feel anew?
There is still time, and with it, the energy of possibility.
Maybe it is all held and waiting for you in a photo —
a picture of awareness.
With Love, the young and not so young, LVL.