Grace & The Green Light

Go! I hear this voice, her voice, a resounding vibration seemingly everywhere — filling my body and head. GO! We are at the end of her Memorial Service at the Hollywood Temple of Self-Realization Fellowship. It is packed with her clients, friends, colleagues, students, and family. And apparently, like any bar, it is Last Call,…

Room For Awareness

Yesterday, I had a prospective Room Renter come look at the house. She let me know how disappointed she was, how it wasn’t what she expected — how she needed wall to wall closets, and added “because I’m a Girl.” And she said this while looking at me, evidently not a girl. And I heard…


I have been going through old photos — something I often do when Mercury is Retrograde. I go back, go over, revisit and if I’m lucky, re-do. Sometimes I just feel into the energy of that time or place. Who was that young person? What did that body or energy feel like? How about the…

Strokes of Friendship

“For the Keys to a New Life,” writes my dear friend on the the back of the packing envelope. She has sent me a beautiful key ring and with it, some energy of encouragement for transitions. It is soft and padded like a pillow with gorgeous red and orange glass beads, and a tassel —…