Where do you go to Learn about Life?
- How it unfolds & where you fit?
- How to better assess & understand what is happening in yours?
- How to stay open — in the midst of sudden shifts and changes?
- How to take a bigger perspective, while grounded in the mundane?

Understanding Life,
and understanding Social Life,
matters in your Everyday Experience.
So, if you want to:
- Sort some confusing bits out.
- Learn how to take charge AND be in the flow of life.
- Find deeper Meaning and Purpose.
Work With Me
I offer Individual, Group, and Organizational Consulting, Classes, and Educational Programs — where you can begin to explore your life with greater awareness.
Individual Consulting

Awareness Coaching & Consulting
Personal SociologyTM Sessions — Meetings With Awareness:
These are variable length sessions to assist you in taking a bigger perspective, and to cultivate new awareness. You can work on a single issue, situation, or process — where the energy seems stuck, or you want to create some space and movement. Maybe you simply want to learn more about a topic, or have a discussion that fosters greater insight or understanding. This work is educational, so the goal is to help facilitate your own ability to see life in new ways. Sessions can also include writing, prompts, and experiential exercises.
Tune-Ups & Pep Talks:
These are 20 minute appointments (online/phone) to help you quickly clarify one issue, or your perspective on some agreed upon topic or aspect of your life. Maybe you hit a momentary speedbump, or went down a rabbit hole of disaster or negativity thinking. These short connections can function as a check-ins or follow-ups to our established work. Sometimes all you need is small shift, or an uplift to reground yourself. Or as one person recently called her experience:
“a psychic centering, reminder, and pep talk.”
Follow-Up: Email
Check-ins and Follow-ups are also offered via email. This is an unobviously powerful way to stay on track, because it involves reflection, writing, and communicating that builds a routine of awareness practice. Available after Classes, Sessions, and as Packages to help with whatever process or project you are working on (i.e., writing a book, managing a health crisis, starting from scratch, etc…)
To learn more and schedule an appointment, contact me.

Self-Serve Education & Custom Courses
Want to learn or discuss something of interest? Another option is to select a topic or area of study, organize a group of friends/colleagues, and Invite me in. This is a great option if you missed a Current Class Offering. In Participatory Education, you can organize your own best day/time, who you want to share the experience with, and your specific interests, goals, and objectives.
The following are some possible topics, and subject areas:
- The Basics: What You Didn’t Learn in School — A Sociology of Awareness Curriculum
- Who Am I? Self & Society & Spiritual
- Social Interaction 101: Rules of Engagement
- The Body in Awareness
- Reframe Your Life
- Who’s Driving Your Car?: Introduction to Personal Power
- It’s Not Personal: Boundaries of Awareness
- The Social Psychology of Money: Exploring Worth & Value
- What is Enough?
- Taking a Bigger Perspective
- Gender & Consciousness
- Sexual Mindfulness
- To Walk a Mile: Deviant Behavior, Othering, and Compassion
- Opening the HeartMind: Engaging Creative & Critical Thinking
- Your Life’s Methodology: An Ethnographic Approach
Professional Series
- Adaptability Thinking: The New Human Resource
- The Customer is Always Right? Exploring Relationships, Boundaries, and Success in Service Oriented Work
- The Medical Encounter: Creating a Good Experience in Dr. & Patient Interaction
- The Economy of You: Rethinking Resources and Bottom Lines
- What’s Happening Here?: How Awareness, Perception, and Critical Thinking Skills Matter for Law Enforcement Personnel

To learn more and schedule an appointment, contact me.
No problem can be solved by the same level of Consciousness that created it.
— Albert Einstein