“Everything is Life’s Invitation.” I’ve been saying this since 2005, and now I finally get it. It took a lifetime of disasters and failures, amidst what many would consider triumphs and great comeback stories. But it was a recent health crisis that did me in, and through which I experienced a real sense of:
“What’s left when Nothing’s left?”
My own koan, paradox, and trick question; and yes, the underlying Invitation.

My friend Mark tells me, “You’ve had a successful Life,” as his is ending. He’s right, tho it rarely feels that way, or how I imagine success would be — how it is usually presented on TV, or encouraged in society and school; how we measure our days and our value, by accumulation and standardized achievement. And I’ve had that, too — but now, I have something better:
I’m Still Alive
That’s my bottom line, that’s my success story. And if you are reading this, then that might be your bottom line success story, too. All I know is that Everything Brought Me To This, and now I bring this to you.
May this Blog, and these writings, help you find Life’s Invitation, too.

Everything is What it Is, and What it is Becoming…
And this includes you.
- Grace & The Green LightGo! I hear this voice, her voice, a resounding vibration seemingly everywhere — filling my body and head. GO! We are at the end of her Memorial Service at the Hollywood Temple of Self-Realization Fellowship. It is packed with her clients, friends, colleagues, students, and family. And apparently, like any bar, it is Last Call,…
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