Self-Serve Education & Custom Courses
Want to learn or discuss something of interest? Another option is to select a topic or area of study, organize a group of friends/colleagues, and Invite me in. This is a great option if you missed a Current Class Offering. In Participatory Education, you can organize your own best day/time, who you want to share the experience with, and your specific interests, goals, and objectives.
The following are some possible topics, and subject areas:
- The Basics: What You Didn’t Learn in School — A Sociology of Awareness Curriculum
- Who Am I? Self & Society & Spiritual
- Social Interaction 101: Rules of Engagement
- The Body in Awareness
- Reframe Your Life
- Who’s Driving Your Car?: Introduction to Personal Power
- It’s Not Personal: Boundaries of Awareness
- The Social Psychology of Money: Exploring Worth & Value
- What is Enough?
- Taking a Bigger Perspective
- Gender & Consciousness
- Sexual Mindfulness
- To Walk a Mile: Deviant Behavior, Othering, and Compassion
- Opening the HeartMind: Engaging Creative & Critical Thinking
- Your Life’s Methodology: An Ethnographic Approach
Professional Series
- Adaptability Thinking: The New Human Resource
- The Customer is Always Right? Exploring Relationships, Boundaries, and Success in Service Oriented Work
- The Medical Encounter: Creating a Good Experience in Dr. & Patient Interaction
- The Economy of You: Rethinking Resources and Bottom Lines
- What’s Happening Here?: How Awareness, Perception, and Critical Thinking Skills Matter for Law Enforcement Personnel