So What?

A Life’s Methodology

What’s the Point? And why should you care?

Perhaps you’ve noticed that things have changed. That the routine ways you have of understanding and approaching Life no longer work.

Maybe you’ve had a personal world collapse — through illness, a loved one’s death, a relational shift, job loss or other catastrophe. Perhaps what affects you is much broader — a Global pandemic shut down, a governmental decision, a Cultural reckoning, or an economic and planetary crisis.

Or maybe the change is more esoteric, and yet absolutely fundamental: that what you have taken to be real and true is now seemingly up for grabs, at odds, and uncertain.

And because this is Life, there is a good chance all of this is happening at once….plus Menopause, or other bodily changes innocuously called aging.

And while we often focus on things “gone wrong”, much change comes as progress: from technological advancement; from greater equality; from dreams coming true, or having taken the next wanted step.

Whatever the specifics — and whether we label it good or bad — when life as you know it, shifts, it can be destabilizing and painful. It can also be revealing. Especially about our habits of thought: our assumptions of others and expectations of how things should be; all the ways we live on auto-pilot, missing so much of Life’s richness, beauty, and complexity (and yes, opportunities).

Still, So What?: Context

We are in the midst of a collective unsettling — a systemic reorganizing — a shift in Consciousness, which highlights just how connected and interconnected we are (and not simply through the internet). What affects one person also affects others, and there’s no hiding from this or pretending it isn’t so:

We are Dominos, Viruses, and Teammates;

We are also Individuals — with unique experiences, expressions, and stories.

It’s as if the Boundaries of our Lives have moved, and forgot to tell us.

So if you find that what you learned in school didn’t prepare you for ALL THIS, that some Topics & Subjects, and certain necessary Life & Perceptual Skills were left off of the Curriculum:

It’s Ok

Things have changed


You are not alone.

And that’s just one important part and payoff of Taking a Bigger Perspective.


How do you sort it out, find meaning, and make sense of things?

How do you sit with the Unknown, or in Uncertainty?

What brings Clarity, Peace, or the most beneficial Response?

And how is any of this related to Love?

As the Context of Life expands, we require new ways of thinking and living to adapt to an ever changing landscape — and an educational approach that contributes a sense of wholeness to the seemingly separate aspects of our lives.

If we use the metaphor of eyeglasses:

It’s time to update both the Lenses and the Frame

Because Your Life’s Methodology is rooted in Awareness

Really, So What?: Awareness

What you think, and how you think, sense, and perceive, affects not only how you approach life in some abstract way, but how you approach people and situations in every moment of your day. It also affects how you regard and treat yourself. All of which becomes your experience of life, so it might be good to know more about this.

Awareness is Powerful, Transformative, Educational and Foundational

And no matter where you are in life, sometimes we all need a little help.

I’m Linda Van Leuven, Ph.D. and I can help you to see Life in new, deeper, and more inter-connected ways.  My work fuses classic elements of Sociology, with a more dimensional perspective; well-suited for these evolving times.

To Learn more about your Life’s Methodology, read on for ways to work with me and these teachings.

When you can see things differently, it changes everything
When you can hold things differently, it changes you